Our Products
The Noise in the Echosounder · 2nd Part
Noise in the echosounder with FM or CHIRP pulse: 2nd partFor technicians and fishing captains using echosounders, noise management is crucial, as it can directly compete with the signal, affecting [...]
The Noise in the Echosounder · 1st Part
This article aims to define noise in an echosounder, differentiate the origins of noise, and propose steps to mitigate or attenuate it. Finally, we will discuss tools to handle unwanted [...]
Seaman echosounder: effective tools for efficient and sustainable fisheries
Seaman Europa will be presenting its latest innovation, the FMF-900 echosounder, at the upcoming Navalia exhibition.This equipment has been designed to improve professional fishing efficiency and sustainability. Marine species are [...]
The Battle for Sustainability
The city of Iquique, located in the north of Chile, on the coast of the arid Atacama desert and near the border with Peru, is the fishing zone of [...]
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Our Products
The Noise in the Echosounder · 2nd Part
Noise in the echosounder with FM or CHIRP pulse: 2nd partFor technicians and fishing captains using echosounders, noise management is crucial, as it can directly compete with the signal, affecting the accuracy of these instruments. CHIRP technology, which uses frequency-modulated (FM) pulses, [...]
The Noise in the Echosounder · 1st Part
This article aims to define noise in an echosounder, differentiate the origins of noise, and propose steps to mitigate or attenuate it. Finally, we will discuss tools to handle unwanted information on the screen.This is part one of a series of articles [...]
Seaman echosounder: effective tools for efficient and sustainable fisheries
Seaman Europa will be presenting its latest innovation, the FMF-900 echosounder, at the upcoming Navalia exhibition.This equipment has been designed to improve professional fishing efficiency and sustainability. Marine species are adapting their behaviors and migration patterns while their marine ecosystems are impacted [...]
The Battle for Sustainability
The city of Iquique, located in the north of Chile, on the coast of the arid Atacama desert and near the border with Peru, is the fishing zone of the Anchovy par excellence. Anchovy is a pelagic species that forms large [...]
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